Arrowroot Powder - Maranta Arundinacea

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Arrowroot is a starchy root vegetable similar to yam, cassava, sweet potato, and taro. Like many starches, it can be high in carbohydrates, but offers various nutrients and uses. Arrowroot powder is a herbal treatment to make your skin softer and smoother. It is good for facials, as it is oil absorbent. It is best for face scrubs and DIY skincare as well. Arrowroot absorbs oils/moisture beautifully as it penetrates the skin. Rubbing some into your skin before bedtime and in the morning can reduce oil production, soften skin and dry out/heal blemishes. Popular as a natural dry shampoo, simply sprinkle some arrowroot powder on the roots of your hair, massage onto the scalp with a light hand, comb through your hair, and you are done! The ingredient will work similar to a dry shampoo and fix your oily hair roots by absorbing the excess oil build-up, with no harsh additives. This unusually named powdered starch is good for babies because it's allergen-free for most infants.

In magickal practice, Arrowroot Powder is used for spells surrounding good fortune, bringing opportunity for manifestation, purification, cleansing, and healing. Arrowroot Powder will increase prosperity in gambling and bring forth good luck, and can also bring new dreams and prospects to your attention.

Arrowroot Powder should be kept in a sealed container away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture. 15g (1 oz).

***Metaphysical/magical outcomes are not implied or guaranteed by using this product. Any information herein related to "magical properties" represents historical or traditional usages in mythology, folklore, folk medicine, or alternative spiritual practices and is provided as a matter of interest and entertainment only.*** THIS ITEM IS SOLD AS A CURIO ONLY.


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We are not medical doctors, and we make absolutely no claim to treat or cure any type of illness or health condition with these products. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are on medications, please check with your family doctor before using any of our products as some herbs should not be used during pregnancy or if you have a medical condition. Always consult your doctor before any herb handling or use. Any information provided with the product description does not guarantee results nor should be considered medical advice.